How to Log In:
- Log in to Canvas at (use Foothill's MyPortal credentials).
- Click on the link to our class -- title will include: “Elementary Statistics MATH 010”.
Textbook & Course Materials: In the Canvas site, you will notice a link to the website we will be using for the course called beoga. There is no traditional textbook required for your class. Instead, you will be accessing online content that will take the place of a text. This content can be purchased and accessed by clicking on the beoga link in Canvas. At this web site you will be accessing online content, communicating with the class, taking exams & quizzes, and accessing homework.
Required Class Meetings & Final Exam: This entire class is delivered asynchronously online. All assessments are online, including the final exam . See the Foothill Final Exam Schedule for dates. You will be required to show either a drivers license, school ID, or a valid passport at the time of the final exam. If you do not have proper ID you will not be allowed to take the fianl exam; as a result, you will receive an F in the course. A few weeks before the final exam we will supply you with a Sample Final Exam which will be similar to the actual final in length, format, level of difficulty, and will cover the same content. Going through the class as we instruct and studying the sample final exam should prepare you nicely for the final -- there will be no surprises or tricks. The final exam is open notes (printed out or hand-written only) and has a 2-hour time limit.
Class Format: From the beoga link you will view lecture notes, take quizzes, take your midterm exam, and communicate with the instructors and with other students via a message board area (called the Forums). The online content can only be accessed at beoga through Canvas. SEE THE CALENDAR TO KNOW WHAT TOPICS YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ON A WEEKLY BASIS. Treat the ONLINE CONTENT from beoga as the MOST important part of the class. If you understand the material in that online content and can do the homework assigned from those online lectures then you should be "good to go". You are responsible for all the sections in the online content and for all material discussed in the Forums. When you log in to the content is up to you; one of the great aspects of the class is that you get to "come to class" when you want to. Be sure to check the ANNOUNCEMENTS in beoga every time you log in to class.
The Weekly Process: Once you are at the beoga site, here is what to do each week:
- Study the Calendar VERY carefully to know what to do when.
- Read the Announcements.
- Go to the Online Content and study the sections for that week very carefully. (We recommend thinking of it as viewing a lecture where you take notes.)
- Take the Knowledge Test for the section(s) you just studied (Don't worry... it's not graded).
- Do the Homework (solutions are supplied) for the sections studied (Homework is NOT submitted).
- Go to the Forums and ASK questions about ANYTHING.
- Go to the Forums and ANSWER questions that you can.
Grading: Your grade will probably be broken down into 5 parts: midterm exam (10%), quizzes (10%), labs and end of the term project (10%), and a final exam (60%). The quizzes are administered approximately on a weekly basis. This distribution is subject to change.
Grade Distribution: 90% - 100% = A, 87% - 89% = B+, 80% - 86% = B, 77% - 79% = C+, 70% - 76% = C, 60% - 69% = D, 0% - 59% = F.
Course Content: An introduction to modern methods of descriptive statistics, including collection and presentation of data; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and statistical inference; linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; use of statistical software packages for statistical calculations. Illustrations taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, and from culturally diverse situations. See the Course Outline of Record for more details.
Quizzes & Midterm: There will be one midterm exam and several scheduled quizzes during the quarter (see the CALENDAR in the beoga for quiz & midterm dates). They will be online and can be accessed via the beoga ONLINE QUIZZES link. Each quiz will be accessible from 3am on Wednesday until 11pm on Saturday during the week the quiz/midterm is assigned. You can log in, access the quiz/exam, print it out, log out, work on it at your leisure, then log back in to submit your answers. The only restriction is that you must submit the quiz/exam before the 11pm Saturday deadline. WARNING: You only get ONE submission for each quiz.
Make-up Policy: If you miss any online assessment for any reason, then it will simply not count for you. Instead, your final exam will carry more weight toward your overal course grade. As a result, missing any online assessment will not directly hurt your course grade.
Attendance Requirements: When you log in to class is up to you. That is, there are no set times you are required to log in. However, studying the online content, taking weekly online assessments, and participating in optional day-to-day forum communication, means weekly participation will, most likely, increase your chance for success in the course.
Notice on Learning Disability-Related Accommodations:To obtain disability-related accommodations, students must contact Disability Resource Center (DRC) as early as possible in the quarter. To contact DRC, you may: Visit the DRC in Room 5400 (near Parking Lot 5) or Email the DRC at or Call the DRC at 650-949-7017 to make an appointment. If you already have an accommodation notification from DRC, please email your instructor to discuss your needs.
Important Dates: See the "Dates & Deadlines" link under the term you are enrolled at the official Foothill CALENDAR web site.You are resposible for all drop dates at that site. In all cases, students are responsible for dropping themselves.
Drops: In all cases, students are responsible for dropping themselves at the PORTAL before drop dates. Requests for drops after those dates will not be granted. You will only be dropped by your instructor if you do not participate in class the first 2 weeks of the term. Participation is defined as either submitting the syllabus quiz or by accessing the beoga online content or by contacting your instructor via email stating you do not want to be dropped from the course.
A word of encouragement: The success rate in this class is very high for students who study the online content, do the homework and quizzes, and ask (and answer) questions when they get confused on a weekly basis. Let us know when you have questions, we are here to help. Let's have fun with this! We'll "see" you in class!
NOTE: The purpose of this document is to give you a general idea of how our classes are run. However, the official syllabus might differ slightly and will be made available to all registered students on the first day of the term.
Rick & Rachel (team teaching the class) &